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Kinder – April Update

Hello Everyone,

Happy 4th Birthdays to Marlie and Luca S and Happy 5th Birthdays to Luca, Stephanie, Milla, Maria and Dean.

We started the month of April off with our sessional children enjoying two weeks holidays as Term 1 came to an end.  To celebrate Easter the children were involved in several activities, such as creating Easter Baskets, participating in Easter egg hunts, designing Easter Bunny ears, cooking hot cross buns and dying hard boiled eggs as part of our Greek Easter celebrations.

Throughout the days we continued to participate in our learning experiences such as word searches, drawing in our creative art books, playing Bob Down and Bingo as group experiences requested by the children.  We also participated in multicultural activities such as dressing up in Bangladesh clothing such as Sari’s and dancing to Bollywood music dressed in our outfits.

Once the two week holidays were over we were very happy to have Belinda and out sessional friends back as well as the new learning experiences which have been introduced for term 2.

Thank you to the parents who took the time to come and meet with Belinda at the end of Term 1.  A lot of positive feedback came from those sessions and we look forward to another positive Term with the children and their families.

The beginning of Term 2 saw us introduce the chicken hatching program.  We had nine eggs and by the third day the eggs had begun to hatch and the kinder and Busy bee children were fortunate enough to see a majority of the eggs hatch.  We began timing the hatching process with our first egg starting at 10.50am and hatching at 4.30pm and our second egg followed shortly.  The children have enjoyed the process of hatching chickens as they have learnt about lifecycles (unfortunately one of our eggs didn’t make it), as well as taking responsibility to clean and feed the chickens.

This Term we have begun incorporating our perceptual motor program. So far we have focused on following rhythms and tempo.  The children have played along to different rhymes using rhythm sticks and have used fast and slow beats.  As the program continues we will be working on movements and balancing.

Thank you to the families who helped contribute to our Anzac Day memorial display.  It has been a fascinating journey as we learnt about different sections of defence force, who had family serve in wars and also seeing the differences in the equipment which was used during World War I and World War II compared to what we see used today.  The children enjoyed listening to the stories we read “My Grandad marches on Anzac Day”, “My Mothers Eyes” and also “Meet the Anzacs”.  We made poppies and poppy wreathes to add to our display and the children listened to the Last post.  I was extremely proud of the children with their understanding of the war and the way that when we played the last post they all sat still and quietly as if they knew that the last post was a time to reflect.  We also made Anzac biscuits and we explained to the children the biscuits used to be made for the soldiers during wars.

A reminder to parents that Show and Tell starts on Tuesday 28th April.  You were all given a piece of paper with your calendars which would have had your child’s show and tell dates on them.  We look forward to hearing about your child’s special item.

Thursday the 7th of May we will be having a Mother’s Day afternoon tea.  The children along with their educators will make delicious food for mums, grandmothers and Aunties to come in and share with them.  The afternoon tea will commence at 2.00pm.  Please let Belinda know if you can attend for catering purposes.


Belinda, Naz, Amina and Katie