Derby Streec CC Logo

From The Office

Committee 2015/2016

Thank you to all the families that attended the AGM in March. I would like to thanks those parents who have committed to joining committee. The new member’ are:

  • President – Clair Hill
  • Vice President – Paula Mammoliti
  • Treasurer – Lynne Beale
  • Secretary – Melissa Pagliaro
  • Assistant Secretary – Narelle Hatton
  • General Members -Lara Pike, Mary Didomeniciantonio, Sevim Oakan, Kele Scholtes, Daniela Citeria, Janene Strahan and Renkua Ram.

Bunning’s BBQ

We had an amazing day at the BBQ on Saturday 18th April. We would like to thank all the parents who came and along and helped out and also those that came down and brought sausages. The Centre is pleased to announce that we made a profit of $2102.85. This is the biggest profit we have ever made. So well done to all involved.

Centre Survey

Families will be receiving the annual Centre survey during the month on June. Some changes will be made to the questions this year. We are hoping to make some decisions about the vision of the centre for the future and would really appreciate families’ input. We value yours and your children’s voice so please participate in the survey

Centre Closure Day.

The Centre will be closed on Thursday 15th October for a Staff Development Day. Families will not be charged for this day but you will be required to find care for your child.

Staff development is extremely important to the Centre. We as staff need to keep up with the last research and consistently improving our interactions and experiences we provide for the children.


Some of you may have heard about changes being made to the payments of CCB and CCR.  Once the Centre knows more we will be able to inform you as to how this will affect your child care fees.