Reminder that all fees for 2015 and 2016 deposit will be debited from your account on Friday 11th December. We will endeavour to send an email about the amounts that will be deducted by the end of the week. I will set them up as two separate payments one being for the last week of 2015 and the other will be your two week deposit for 2016.
The children’s Christmas party will be on Thursday 17th December from 6pm until 8pm. Hoping this year that the weather is good for us. Once again the animal farm will be in attendance and Santa will make a special visit. We will be providing a sausage sizzle for dinner, please make sure you RSVP for catering purposes. Hope to see you all there.
The Centre will be under going a make over during 2016. We have been doing a lot of research into de-cluttering the children’s room and toning down how the rooms are decorated. The reason behind the change is to avoid over stimulation, which can lead to behaviour issues, limited concentration and sensory overload. The aim is create calm learning spaces for all children that focus on the learning rather than the decoration of the room.
We aim to purchase a large table for each room that all the children can sit at once; for meals, group times and group learning experiences. Bookshelves so children have access to all books at all times not just a selected 6 or 7 that have been chosen by staff. We are also aiming for permanent areas in the room that would not be moved throughout the year.
While we understand this may sound like a considerable change, we ask that you join us in this new journey.
Julie and Louise have spent considerable time visiting centres in Sydney and witnessed these environments in action. The difference was palpable, even as adults, the spaces felt calmer.