Hello Families,
We would like to wish Pamir, and Henry Happy 4th Birthdays and Dante, and Louis Happy 5th Birthdays. We hope they enjoyed their birthday parties.
We have had a busy month During May. We purchased recycling bins and the children have been learning about recycling and sustainability. We have a bin for paper/recyclable materials, a food waste bin and a general waste bin. Each day the children help their educators empty the bins. We have also placed a recycling game out for the children were they are asked to identify where objects go. The children have been learning about the benefits of recycling and how it helps the ozone layer around earth. We discussed planting gum trees to help keep our air clean. We spoke to the children about identifying products which can be recycled and the symbol they should look out for.
Science Experiments have been a big hit with the children. Katie engaged the children in a rainbow making experience which involved mixing sugar, water and food dye. After a number of attempts with different amounts of each ingredient, we eventually used oil to try and separate the different colours. This worked until we shook it up and it became all mixed. Belinda did an experiment with the children were she tried to blow up balloons using bi-carb soda and vinegar. The balloons increased in size depending on the amounts of each ingredient we used. As these science experiments have been popular we will continue to implement them into the program.
Marie from healthy Eating came out and spoke to the children about eating fruits and vegetables and why they are good for our bodies. She played games with the children were they had to identify the different fruits and vegetables through taste, touch and smell. She also provided the children with healthy fruit and vegetables for afternoon tea.
The children have been showing an interest in different Exercises and stretches. They have been learning to do Star Jumps, bridges, plants, squats, ballet moves, Sit ups and push ups. The children expressed an interest in this after Katie showed them different ways that they can move their bodies, as well as having participating in the Happy Feet Music and Movement programs. They are also developing an understanding that Stretches are important as well when exercising.
We have been challenging the children’s understanding of games with rules, by introducing Musical chairs, Duck Duck Goose and Tee Pee and Indians. The children are developing their understanding of turn taking when playing games as well as number recognition as they count and follow orders. Educators have also been enjoying playing these game with the children.
You may have noticed that we have had students working closely in the room with the children. The students have been taking charge during different times of the day, these can include running group times or transitions. The children have been listening to the children really well and engaging in the learning experiences which they students have been implementing.
Upcoming events:
- Dress Up day 26th June 2015 with gold coin donation and all funds raised going to SIDS for KIDS
- Last Day of Term 2 Friday 26th June 2015
- International Mud Day Monday 29th June 2015
- Video and Popcorn day Tuesday 30th June
A reminder to families to send spare clothes to kinder with your children as they will be getting dirty and wet when engaging in outdoor play.
Thank you
Belinda, Katie, Nazneen and Amina