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Ducklings – April Update

Firstly we wish Happy Birthday to Lakshan, Violet A and Olive who all turned two in March. We wish Will a Happy Birthday for April. In March, Julie took annual leave. Sue, Kamal and Julie P spent time with the children exploring dancing. The children enjoyed doing the Hokey Pokey, learning about which body part to put in and out, doing the hokey pokey, turning around and singing the words. We spent a lot of time in March doing art and craft for Easter. The children made bunny hats, easter baskets and the bunny masks. The children learnt how to paste and paint while creating these Easter activities.

We also had a cooking experience in The Ducklings Room, where the children watched Dezzy and the educators make ricotta cheese. The children then enjoyed eating the cheese with biscuits for afternoon tea.

The children enjoyed learning Old Mc Donald had a Farm using Julie’s magnetic animals and board to look and make the sounds of each of the animals. The children have now learnt some new action songs, we have been teaching them I’m a Little Teapot, learning the actions and the words. And also The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow, the children lay down on the floor, we begin singing the song, then they stand up and shake their arms and legs like the scarecrow.

For Anzac Day, this year on the Wednesday the 22nd of April we made anzac biscuits. Then on the Thursday and Friday the children had the opportunity to paint egg cartons with red paint and the educators made them into a wreath, as a decoration and rememberance for the Anzac soliders.

We have had a few children learning toilet training, they have been successful in learning how to pull their pants down but we need to dress the children in tracksuit pants, leggings and loose clothing. Skinny jeans and tight pants are not acceptable for toilet training as the children cannot pull them down in time to go to the toilet. Please remember to also provide a spare pair of shoes, now that winter is coming it is hard to dry wet shoes.

Over the next month the children will be exploring our animal area indoors, block construction with tool boxes and tools. Home corner, the children are enjoying the wooden fruit and vegies, opening and closing the cupboards and pretending to cook. The children are learning to use the hand puppets and exploring language, communication with their friends and the educators. We will be making special gifts for the children’s mothers for Mother’s Day coming up in May.

Outside we have setup a supermarket in which the children are using recycled boxes, bottles and containers with a cash register, pretend money and lots of baskets for the children to walk around the playground. If you do have any recyclable cereal boxes, bottles or anything that is suitable for all our friends to play with in our supermarket we would greatly appreciate them.

Thank you The Ducklings Staff:      Julie J, Sue, Kamal and Tracy.