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Busy Bee’s – March Update

We welcome all the Busy Bee Families to our room for 2014. Our children have settled into the room very well. We started toilet training our children in February and they are progressing very well. Just a reminder, can all parents please make sure their child has a couple of changes of clothes, underpants and a spare pair of shoes in their bags. The children have been singing the name song at morning grouptime, so they can learn all the children’s and staff names. We have also taught the children the ‘The Fire Truck Song’, all the children are learning the words and actions to the song.


Hurry hurry drive the fire truck

Hurry hurry drive the fire truck

Hurry hurry drive the fire truck, ding ding ding ding ding.

Hurry hurry turn the corner

Repeat twice, ding ding ding ding ding.

Hurry hurry climb the ladder

Repeat twice, ding ding ding ding ding.

(The chn pretend to put on their mask)

Hurry hurry squirt the water

Repeat twice, ding ding ding ding ding.

Hurry hurry drive the fire truck

Repeat twice, ding ding ding ding ding.

Hurry hurry turn the corner

Repeat twice, ding ding ding ding ding.

(The children pretend to get dressed in their fire clothes and boots before the song and then undress when we finish singing).

We have started teaching the children the letters of the alphabet, in January we learnt the letter A, in February we learnt the letter B. In March we will learn the letter C and D. Then continue until all the alphabet is learnt. We have been learning about all of our children’s different cultures and displayed them on the wall; please take the time to look at our wall. In the next few months we will be concentrating on learning how plants grow, growing our own grass and different cultural types of art and craft E.g Aboriginal, Indian, Sri Lankan, Chinese and Japanese. We want to thank the parents who have donated boxes for our supermarket setup, shoe boxes for our doll setup outside. I still have some background child information forms that have not been returned, please see Julie if you have not returned your child’s form. Parents if you have any old dvds or cds that we can use and/or recycle that would be greatly appreciated.

Thankyou Busy Bee Staff: Julie, Sue, Lisa and Amina.