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Tiny Tots – March Update

Welcome everyone to a new year at Derby Street and tiny tots room, we welcome all the new families that have started at our centre, it has taken a few weeks to settle back in but all the children have become used to the educators and other children.

First of all we would like to farewell Kelly one of the educators as she has moved on from the centre, we are at the moment in the process of interviewing a new staff member for our tiny tots family.

Families would have noticed we have had Anu and Julie in our room over the last month we would like to say a massive thankyou to them both for all of their hard work and support they have given us and the tiny tots’ room, you will definitely see Anu and Julie in the rooms still over the year.

We would also like to welcome Katrina into our Tiny tots room she will be doing our breaks throughout the year so please feel free to say hello to our new members within our room.

At the moment our plan includes various sensory experiences to try and familiarise the children with different ways of play.

The children have been involved in a lot of art and craft experiences to encourage their development in fine motor skills please feel free to view the displays that have been placed around the room.

We are asking parents if they are able to bring a family photo to be placed up on our comfort wall, this wall is designed to allow the children to see all of their families throughout the day.

We are really excited for our working bee which will be held in March as this is a chance for us to make our outdoor areas more visually appealing while also getting to know the parents and families within our centre so feel free to come enjoy a few hours with us.

We would like to wish the following children a massive HAPPRY 1ST BIRTHDAY , Iluka, Sebastian and Thomas.

We look forward to a wonderful year with the families and children of Tiny Tots and of derby street children centre.

Many Thanks Brooke, Katie, Julie and Anu