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Kindergarten [Rainbow Lorikeet] – September update.

We would like to wish Max and Luca happy birthdays.

Rainbow Lorikeet room would like to say a final farewell to Jeni. We wish her well on her new adventures and journeys and thank her for the kind farewell gift of two books (The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was none of his Business, and The Red Tree).

We would also like to warmly welcome Belinda who will be our Kinder Teacher for term four. We look forward to Belinda joining the Rainbow Lorikeet team, and seeing what new adventures and friendships she will bring into our room.

In September, a parent donated some scrap paper and some small and large envelopes. The kinder room recycled them and the children created some letters to send to family and friends. We had a brilliant idea to create a post box so we could post the letters and with the help of the children, we constructed a post box to use.

We have also just introduced a recycling bin into the room. We have been gradually teaching the children though out the year the importance of recycling and looking after our world with the help of some books ‘Michael Recycle’ and ‘Litter Bug Doug’ (written by Ellie Bethal and illustrated by Alexandra Colombo).  During the day, the children help one of the teachers to take the room recycling bin to the larger recycling garbage bin located just outside the kinder room.

This month, we celebrated Footy Day; it was great to see the children proudly wearing their footy colours! We also enjoyed eating footy pies and sausage rolls! A fun day was had throughout the whole centre. Another activity we completed this month was decorating wooden dolls for the play area, and the children were very creative and demonstrated a lot of flare.

Please keep an eye out for further information regarding lunch boxes, a possible excursion to a local school, and the Rainbow Lorikeet graduation!  (Information regarding these items will be sent out closer to the dates).

About our new Kinder Teacher.

Hi, my name is Belinda and I will be commencing Term 4 as the kinder teacher at Derby Street Children’s Centre.  I have been employed at Derby Street for 6 ½ years. In June this year, I commenced maternity leave for the birth of my 2nd child. I enjoy working with children and have established many relationships with the current kinder children.  I enjoy cooking, craft activities and reading, all of which I plan to incorporate into the kinder program during the term.