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Tiny Tots – August update.

We would like to begin by wishing Aralyn and Amelia a very happy 1st birthday and Isla a very happy 2nd birthday. We enjoy watching them grow and reach new milestones while in the Tiny Tots room.

The children are continuing to enjoy the various arts and craft activities we undertake and we try to fit in as many activities as possible each day. Some of the children’s Artwork can be seen displayed around the room while other creations are being sent home for the parents to enjoy.

One of our recent craft projects was the creation of presents and cards for Father’s Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed making these. We hope all the dads and special people had a wonderful day and loved the gifts from their children.

We would like to thank the parents who helped out at the working bee on Saturday. The outdoor yards look amazing. Our Tiny Tots room had a good clean up and we removed some old plants and added some new ones. The coming weeks will see some more colourful plants introduces into the outdoor garden.

And lastly, thanks to all the parents who took the time to dress our children up for National Book week. The children had a lot of fun in their costumes and all looked wonderful.