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Busy Bees – March Update

Welcome to all our family and children.

We are looking forward to an exciting and adventurous year spent learning through play with all of your children.
First of all we say Happy 3rd Birthday to our new friend Elisa, who joined us in the busy bees room at the start of the year. Busy Bees children are now well settled in their new room with the same staff they had last year (sharni, Heidi) and enjoying with the new experiences we are introducing in the room.

We are focused on giving your children the opportunity to develop their self-help and independent skills by offering them;

  • A water container so they can fill their own bottles up.
  • Applying sunscreen and using hat basket to find their hats.
  • Serving themselves using tongs and big serving spoons at meal time and helping us cleaning after meal times.
    (This will develop their independence, hand eye coordination and fine motor skills)

We set up an art area where we are introducing different art/ craft projects to develop the children’s creativity, imagination, fine motor skills and social skills. Parents are also more than welcome if they want to do any art activity with the children in the room.

Children are showing an interest in learning their alphabet and counting so at group times we are using the chalk board to write letter and children learn the first letter of their name.
Thank you so much for all your support and feedback you giving us.
Sharni, Heidi, Rolla