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Healthy Eating Information Session

Staff attended a healthy eating information session last week. Food Additives – one of the many topics covered – are used to maintain and improve shelf life of everyday products. As parents and caregivers we must be proactive in our decision making when shopping.

Listed below are just some of the food additives that should be avoided, especially by those children who are predisposed to hyperactivity:

102- Tartazine                                  150 – Caramel
104-  Quinoline yellow                   151 – Brilliant Black BN
110 – Sunset Yellow                        155 –  Brown HT
142 –  Food Green                            162 – Beet Red
120 – Cochineal                               249 – Potassium nitrite
122 – Azorubine                               210 – Benzoic acid
123 – Amaranth                               250 – Sodium nitrite
124 –  Ponceau 4R                            132 – Indigtinea
133 – Brillant blue                           620 – L-Glutamic acid
621 – Monosodium L-Gluamate   951 – Aspartame

One of the other important things was about children exercising. It was stated that families should dictate 80% of children’s physical activity. Incorporating exercise into your families’ lifestyle such as: Walking, Swimming, Ball games, Bike riding and Dancing.

The centre will commence the Healthy Together Victoria Achievement Program in the next month. It supports early childhood education and care services, schools and workplaces and workforces to create healthy environments for learning, working and living. Participants receive guidelines, resources and support to help meet statewide benchmarks for health promotion.

As we work through the program we will inform families what stage we are up to. If you are interested in reading more information about the program you can visit their website at