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Tiny Tots – September/October Update

Dear families

We are having such a great time in the tiny tot’s room. The children’s verbal communication skills are developing well and we are enjoying their new interaction with us.

Tristan, Quinton and Eliza are now starting to walk without assistance. A really big achievement for them and one we are very pleased to see.

In the last couple of weeks we have noticed the children spending a lot of time in the home corner/ dramatic play area, especially Amani, Zachariah, Edison, Isa, Amelia and Gabrielle. They like to cook food and pretend to feed us with the spoon.  Zachariah says “hot, hot” or “more” when he pretends to feed us. Amani, Isa and the other children are also showing interest in patting and feeding the dolls.

Sharni will be going on her maternity leave from 15th of October 2013. We wish Sharni all the best.

The centre’s Sun Smart policy is now in action. Please remember to provide a hat for your child. [Derby Street Enrolment Handbook – Page 9]

And finally, we would like to wish Amelia K a very happy 2nd birthday and hope she enjoys her special day.


Tiny Tot’s staff

Kelly, sharni, jenny and Julie p