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Such a busy month we have had in the Tiny Tots Room!

Our new friends Jaska and Zeeshma have been settling in wonderfully into their new environment and it has been a pleasure to observe our toddlers interacting with their new friends. We have noticed Aidan and Grayson love helping the babies put their dummies back into their mouths if they have become a little upset!! Great to see our friends taking care of each other!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our friend Sam!!! Thankyou for celebrating your special day with your friends and educators and for sharing a yummy ice cream cake with us!!

The program plan within the Tiny Tots room this month has been set out to incorporate and extend the children’s development with their language skills. Flashcards have been displayed around the room at the children’s level which aims to assist  with recognition and pronouncing basic words such as fish, house, duck etc.

Another interest which has been extended with is colours!! A low level light box has been set up with in our room with coloured plastic shields placed on top. The light box is lovely and bright and has attracted the children over to investigate what happens within this area. And what they have discovered is that they can turn their environment into lots of bright colours by placing one of these shields over their eyes! The colours include red, blue and  orange. There is also a mirrored shield!

Another colour extension has been our coloured  play dough  being set out on matching coloured placemats. Included were familiar colours such as red, blue and yellow. This experience was also set out to assist the children with beginning to sort objects.

A popular activity has also been our bean bags!!! We love stacking them on top of each other until the tower comes crashing down! This is also another great way where the children can learn through their play as we engage in this experience we listen to our educators count how many bean bags are being used and which colours are being used as well!

A new addition to our room environment has been our decorated card board boxes!! We can use them as storage, as chairs, as cars and has blocks!!  Jaska and Zeeshma especially love siting up nice and tall in these.

And our favourite activity is still being enjoyed on a daily basis….catching bubbles!!!