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Ducklings Room – November Update

We would like to start off by saying thankyou to  Jayne (Tobias’s mummy) for kindly donating a massive amount of materials for the children to use in their art and craft areas. The children have made some beautiful pastings with the material donated to us. We’d also like to say a big thankyou to Sophie (Amelia. P’s Mummy) for coming in to our ducklings room and organising a mosaicking experience. Sophie was kind enough to finish work early and buy all the materials needed. We thank everyone for the kindness and support throughout the year.

A big happy birthday to all of our children who celebrated their birthdays in October; all of the children are growing up so fast!

This month we have been participating in more art and craft activities in preparation for Christmas. The children are creating special Christmas presents for our families by mosaicking a special item that we have asked families to bring in, we are planning to start our mosaicking this week.

As the weather warms up we would like to remind parents to bring hats for their children as we plan on spending a great deal of time outdoors. The children have enjoyed helping look after the gardens by watering the plants, helping staff maintain the garden and even re-planting plants that have been pulled out.

We would like to say a big congratulations to the children that have been toilet training; we are all so proud of how far all of the children have come with nearly all of the children either toilet trained, training or even getting used to the toilets by sitting on them at every nappy change.

Lastly we would like to thank all of the families that have taken the guinea pigs home over the last year; the guinea pigs have loved there weekends away

Heidi, Sue, Brooke