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Kinder Room – August Update

Hello Families,

What a great start to Term 3 we have had.  The new experiences which have been set up in the room have extended on the children’s interests which were expressed at the end of Term 2.  The children are loving having the dolls area in the room as they role play being mums and visit the supermarket to buy food to feed their babies.  They have also been using the equipment to build a “child care centre” where they pretend to be the educators.

We have also introduced a camera into the room for the children to use and take photos of their day at kinder.  Last term the children were building camera’s using boxes and recycled materials and to extend on this we have provided cameras which aren’t working with photos as well as the camera which does work. Through the week we print off different photos that the children have taken and put these up on our ‘what’s happening wall‘.  Feel free to take a look at “A day in care” through the children’s eyes. This activity has also built on the children’s turn taking skills as they have to share the camera with their friends.

This term we will see more of a focus on school readiness as we build on the children’s independence skills, as well as social and emotional development.  We are asking parents to allow their child to carry their own bags to and from kinder as this is a skill they will need when at school and it also teaches them about taking care of their own belongings.  We are also encouraging them to put their jackets and hats away rather than on the floor.  You too can encourage these skills by giving them simple tasks to do at home like cleaning up their toys when they are finished, or carrying their bags to and from the car.  We will also be working on their self-esteem through show and tell as well as storytelling.  This is where the children will select a series of cards and tell their friends a story they have made up.

During July we had a Visit from Kerryn and her dog Bailey from Responsible Pet Program.  The children enjoyed meeting Bailey and learning about safely approaching dogs, and when it’s not okay to approach dogs.  At the end of the session, the children were able to meet Bailey and have a pat.

The children have begun preparations for the graduation.  We have begun learning some songs as well as how to count in different languages.

The regular outings have been very successful.  So far we have visited both Pascoe Vale North Primary School as well as Raeburn Reserve.  The children are learning road safety as we have to cross roads and walk safely on the paths.  They are enjoying getting out and about with the community and exploring different skills they don’t get to use at kinder i.e. ball handling skills.

Thank you to all the parents who have been bringing in the milk bottles.  As I am sure many of you have seen the Milk bottle house is coming along really well and we hope to have it finished soon, so that the children can undertake the next part of the project which is to papier Mache and then paint it.

Upcoming events:

  • Friday 7th August Science works Excursion
  • Friday 4th September Father’s Day morning from 8.30am – 10am.
  • Wednesday September 9th Essendon Kinder clinic
  • Friday September 18th Last Day of Term 3

Thank you

Belinda, Naz, Amina and Katie