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A message from the Committee

You should now be able to see a photo of the 2013/14 Management Committee in the foyer.  Please feel free to approach any member of the Management Committee if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions.  We are here to support the Centre’s children, staff and families and welcome all feedback.

Firstly congratulations to Katie on her ongoing appointment at the Centre.  Katie has shown great creativity and initiative and has a wonderful manner with the children.  We welcome Katie and hope she will be very happy at Derby Street.  Also a very warm welcome to our new casual staff, Mariam and Tracy.

A special mention this month to the Ducklings staff, Heidi, Sue and Brooke.  The girls, along with many small helpers from the Ducklings room gave their yard a real clean up and make over.  They have cut back plants, made a path along the back fence and secret fairy garden and are even growing herbs and celery which they will be able to feed to the guinea pigs.  The yard is looking great and they have more improvements planned – well done Heidi, Sue, Brooke and your team of little gardeners!

Thank you to all parents and staff who helped out with the Bunnings BBQ in July.  Despite the chilly weather the day was a lot of fun and was a great success.

Louise also recently prepared a grant application for the Early Years Quality Fund.  The Australian Government has established this fund to assist Early Childhood Education and Care Providers meet the new ratio and qualifications requirements under the National Quality Framework commencing in 2014.  Thank you Louise for your work preparing this application.