We would like to thank all our parents for the time and effort that has been put into our Pet Rock project. This project will continue until all our children have had Pet Rock visit their homes. Our next project for the children will be planting ‘Grass Heads’. This will allow the children to watch the grass grow and learn to care for their own plant. To do this, we would appreciate donations of any coloured stockings. We will be implementing this project within our room from the 15th of April.
We have also noticed that children have been bringing toys from home into the room. Sometimes, these special toys get lost or broken and this upsets both children and their parents. We would like to request parents please discourage children from bringing in any personal items. However if your child has a special “comfort” item that they only need during sleep/rest time, we would appreciate it if that could be left in their bags until sleep time. Thank you.
If any of our families are going away during the holidays, we would like to wish you safe travels.
Katie and Nisha.